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Using OpenRewrite to Redefine Upgrading Applications at Scale with JPMC

When 2024-03-12 | 18:30:00  
Event Title Using OpenRewrite to Redefine Upgrading Applications at Scale with JPMC
Presenter Ethan Wert
Where Manifest Solutions
Event description:


In the realm of software development, the daunting task of upgrading a project and its dependencies is often time-consuming and error-prone due to the required amount of human intervention. Recognizing this challenge, our framework team at JPMorgan Chase has harnessed the power of OpenRewrite, an open-source automated code refactoring tool, to redefine this process. This presentation delves into how integrating OpenRewrite into our framework has significantly streamlined the upgrade process for the thousands of developers that use our product at the firm.

We will explore the how OpenRewrite is used for our framework users and its transformative effects, including substantial time savings and enhanced code quality. A focused case study will be presented, illustrating the practical advantages and the efficiency leap that has been achieved with OpenRewrite in a large-scale software development setting. Overall, this session aims to provide valuable insights for developers and organizations seeking to optimize their own application upgrade processes from showcasing our team’s innovative approach at Chase.


Ethan is a recent graduate of The Ohio State University with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science & Engineering and a minor in Business. He currently works as a Software Engineer at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in Columbus, Ohio.

Venue Manifest Solutions
Street address 2035 Riverside Drive Upper Arlington OH 43221

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