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Practical Auth(entication|orization) for Developers

When 2023-10-10 | 18:30:00  
Event Title Practical Auth(entication|orization) for Developers
Presenter Seth Petry-Johnson
Where Manifest Solutions
Event description:


It’s never been easier to launch a website or expose services over HTTP. It’s also never been easier to make rookie mistakes in the authentication of those services.

This session is designed for the average developer/architect that’s struggling to make sense of modern authentication options. You’ll learn the differences between OAuth, API Keys, HMAC, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), SAML, and more.

Don’t worry if those things sound foreign; they’ll be explained in a clear, practical way so that you can choose the appropriate tool for your needs without making rookie mistakes.

Video -


Seth spent 21 years as a professional developer/architect before finally joining the dark side of management. He now spends his days as a pointy-haired boss leading a small-but-mighty product development team in the search for elegant solutions to complex problems. He is passionate about clean architecture, testable systems, and bringing order to chaos. Seth lives in Columbus, OH and is an active participant in the Midwest developer community. He’ll write TPS reports when he has to, but still enjoys writing, reviewing, and talking about code.

Venue Manifest Solutions
Street address 2035 Riverside Drive Upper Arlington OH 43221

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