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RefactorFirst: Focus on What Matters

When 2023-09-12 | 18:30:00  
Event Title RefactorFirst: Focus on What Matters
Presenter Jim Bethancourt
Where Manifest Solutions
Event description:


Static analysis tools do a great job of telling us we write terrible code, but they don’t usually provide guidance on what should be fixed now and what should be left alone. RefactorFirst helps developers prioritize design debt and deliver more features as a result of improved design with the least amount of effort. I’ll show you how to run RefactorFirst on a Java project, go over the details in the generated graph and table, and take a look at a few God classes that are identified.

I’ll also give a brief walkthrough of the RefactorFirst codebase (it’s pretty small) so you can see for yourself how God classes are identified and ranked. At the end, I’d love to hear your feedback and ideas on how RefactorFirst can be improved.

Video -


Jim Bethancourt is an avid software crafter with over 15 years of experience and has been leading the Houston Java Users Group since 2008. He is passionate about developing maintainable code and creating open-source tools that aid in that endeavor. He also enjoys spending time with his family, playing video games, flying stunt kites, and throwing boomerangs.

Venue Manifest Solutions
Street address 2035 Riverside Drive Upper Arlington OH 43221

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