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Rules as an Architectural Pattern For Development

When 2016-12-13 | 11:30:00  
Event Title Rules as an Architectural Pattern For Development
Presenter Steve Swing
Where OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Event description:


Rule-based architectural patterns can produce solutions that are highly performant, composable, loosely coupled, flexible, and can be thoroughly tested. A rule-based approach to application logic integrates well with other architectural patterns such as big data analysis output, streaming data pipelines for real-time processing, or message-oriented processing. Rule-based architectures complement microservices architectures too. Large unwieldy opaque rule engines of the past are not required. Nor are rule-specialized languages and tooling. Developers don’t need specialized training when rules are implemented with the language of the project, available collections API, and business domain language. This CodeMash 2017 preview presentation describes an internal architectural design pattern to implement complex business logic to deliver quality software that endures.


Steve Swing is an occasional COJUG substitute leader but mainly an independent consultant and software developer from Columbus OH. He has nearly 29 years of experience in the software industry with 13 of those as an independent. Married for 26 years to his wife Doris, with a son and daughter and having completed his role as a tuition provider he’s entering a new empty-nest phase of life still trying to make time to learn recent technologies like Lagom, Scala, Akka, Play! Framework, Spark, SBT, and Swift. He’s a Manifest Solutions Boot Camp Master Craftsman Trainer. Enjoys singing in the Grace Polaris choir & ensemble with his son. He likes to inflict puns on his teammates; he calls it punishment.

Venue OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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