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Meetings - Details

The future of robotics

When 2016-05-31 | 18:30:00  
Event Title The future of robotics
Presenter Nicolas Rigaud
Where CoverMyMeds Offices
Event description:


Robots have been in our minds for ages. Our imagination has been fed by science fiction, movies, cartons. But where are the robots to be seen today? You might wonder.

At Aldebaran, we’ve been making robots for the last 10 years. Programmable humanoid robots. Social robots. Robots that don’t focus on performance but rather on interacting with people. We get the feeling they are the ultimate interface. But what are they useful for? How do they work? And more importantly: why should you pay attention to them?
In this presentation, we’ll invite Pepper on stage to do some demos, we’ll discuss software, hardware, sensors and emotions, we’ll share our vision about the future of robotics, and as much as we can, we’ll try to answer all the questions you have about this new species that will soon take over the world.


Nicolas Rigaud joined Aldebaran four years ago as a community manager, after spending 9 years in the media industry.

He is now developers advocate and manages relations with external developer communities. He’s strongly convinced that robots will change our lives in the years to come, and keep spreading the word all over the world.

He’s been talking at a range of events around the world (JavaOne, Devoxx, JFokus) and was awarded JavaOne RockStar in 2015.

Venue CoverMyMeds Offices
Street address 2 Miranova Pl. Columbus US 43215

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