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Meetings - Details

JavaScript Cornucopia

When 2014-11-11 | 11:30:00  
Event Title JavaScript Cornucopia
Presenter Scott Preston
Where OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Event description:


JavaScript’s changed a lot over the years, this talk will show you some things you might not know but are really powerful. This talk will cover the following areas: Functional Testing with CasperJS & PhantomJS. Great JS Libraries like CanvasJS, ChartJS, and RevealJS. An overview of some awesome node packages like Express, Bower and Yeoman. I’ll show you how to create a node package from scratch and publish it to the I’ll also touch on a really cool technology called Node-WebKit, which is basically phonegap for desktop/pc/laptop apps. Scott will bring JavaScript powered robots to demo the code.


Scott Preston is a software craftsman and roboticist from Columbus, Ohio. Over the past decade he has worked for some of the largest companies in the world and built & programmed lots of web sites and robots. When he’s not working on a new robot or web project, he consults and solves hard problems for ICC, which he joined in 2014. He is also a renowned speaker and has spoken at many events large and small to promote web development and robotics. You can find out more about Scott by visiting his website: or his robot project site

Venue OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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