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Serenity for Android: Designing for Android TV Devices

When 2014-06-10 | 18:30:00  
Event Title Serenity for Android: Designing for Android TV Devices
Presenter David Carver
Where OCLC's Kilgour Building Private Dinning Room
Event description:


What does it take to make an Android application run on a TV?  This talk will take a look at the design considerations that one must take into account when designing for the TV. While many android tablet apps will work on an Android TV device with a few tweaks, there are navigation and visual considerations to address. 

We’ll take a look at Serenity for Android a client for the Plex Media Server specifically designed for the 10 foot viewing experience.  Topics include what is “Android TV”, design considerations for your apps to run on these devices, approaches to handling navigation, visual layout, and user interaction.  All of these considerations help make or break a TV app.   What works well on a tablet or phone will more than likely flop from a user experience on a TV.  We’ll look at some existing apps the Patterns and Anti-Patterns that either make a break a app from a users perspective. We’ll do some comparison with Chromecast, why Android TV is viable option, and why the two platforms  are not mutually exclusive.


David Carver has over 20 years in software development, ranging from the big old Mainframe to mobile applications. His primary expertise are in E-Commerce and business to business development and deployment. He is a member of the Eclipse Architecture Council, and works as a Consultant for Manifest Solutions doing Android Development.  He is the creator of Serenity for Android, and maintainer of a fork of MotoDev Tools, a set of eclipse extensions to the Android Development Tools.   He can be found on Google Plus and Github talking about what ever pops into his head.

Venue OCLC's Kilgour Building Private Dinning Room
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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