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JavaScript for the Java Platform

When 2013-04-09 | 11:30:00  
Event Title JavaScript for the Java Platform
Presenter Christopher Judd
Where OCLC's Kilgour Building Private Dinning Room
Event description:


JavaScript is not just for browsers anymore. It has permeated just about any environment code can run on today including the Java Platform. This presentation will give you a taste of what you can do with JavaScript today using the Scripting API (JSR 223) provided by Java SE 6 as well as the exciting new JavaScript capabilities coming in Java SE 8 using the new Nashorn JavaScript engine as well as the new Java API for JSON processing (JSR 353).

Slides -


Christopher Judd is the CTO and a partner at Manifest Solutions (, an international speaker, an open source evangelist, the Central Ohio Java Users Group ( and Columbus iPhone Developer User Group leader, and the co-author of Beginning Groovy and Grails (Apress, 2008), Enterprise Java Development on a Budget (Apress, 2003) and Pro Eclipse JST (Apress, 2005) as well as the author of the children’s book “Bearable Moments”. He has spent 16 years architecting and developing software for Fortune 500 companies in various industries, including insurance, retail, government, manufacturing, service, and transportation. His current focus is on consulting, mentoring, and training with Java, Java EE, Groovy, Grails, Cloud Computing and mobile platforms like iPhone, Android, Java ME and mobile web.

Venue OCLC's Kilgour Building Private Dinning Room
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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