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Meetings - Details

Enterprise Java Applications on Vmware vSphere Platform

When 2012-08-14 | 18:30:00  
Event Title Enterprise Java Applications on Vmware vSphere Platform
Presenter Emad Benjamin
Where OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Event description:


·         Conventional Enterprise Java Platforms
·         Enterprise Java Platform Architecture on VMware vSphere
·         Design and Sizing
·         Best Practices
·         High Availability
·         Migration
·         Performance
·         Customer Success Stories
·         Troubleshooting


Emad Benjamin - VMware Staff Solutions Architect on Java and vFabric
Emad Benjamin has been in the IT industry for last 20 years, graduated with bachelor of electrical engineering from University of Wollongong. Earlier in his career he was a C++ software engineer, and then in 1997 made the switch to Java, and has been focusing on Java since then. For the last 7 years his main focus has been Java on VMware vSphere. He has been with VMWare since 2005, and is currently a Staff Architect on Java and vFabric.
Emad has presented at VMworld-2011 total of 4 sessions on Virtualizing Java, and is the Author of the book: Enterprise Java Applications Architecture on VMWare. This book provides both architecture and implementation details that are critical to successfully run enterprise Java applications on VMware. Emad has also presented at Openworld-2010, and various internal VMware events.

Venue OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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