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Meetings - Details


When 2011-11-08 | 11:30:00  
Event Title Jasmine
Presenter Justin Searls
Where OCLC's Kilgour Building Private Dinning Room
Event description:


For the majority of the web’s life, developers and software companies have identified themselves by the server-side technologies and frameworks they employ to deliver dynamic content to web browsers (.NET & ASP, Java & Struts, Ruby & Rails, etc.). But that distinction is rapidly losing its significance, because dynamic content is no longer enough—users have come to expect dynamic *interactions* as well. Developers and organizations that cling to predominantly server-side web development are finding themselves at an increasing disadvantage.

That’s because in order to build rich, dynamic interfaces—whether it’s for a desktop, an iPhone, or a web app—the most viable approach is to write software that executes natively in the environment in which users interact. As a result, in order to excel at building dynamic interactions for the web, one first needs to excel at crafting software with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

In this talk we’ll review how to port several typical application responsibilities—like application logic, event handling, HTML-templating, and routing—from the server-side to the JavaScript. Attendees will be introduced to Jasmine BDD, Backbone for MVC, and several other libraries as well—all with the aim of increasing their client-side craft. For each of the big-ticket concerns, attendees should expect to leave with a clear starting point and direction.


Justin Searls helps people find ways to write better software. He strives to write and help others write well-crafted software that matters. Recently, he’s been promoting sustainable web development with test-driven JavaScript by speaking, publishing open source Jasmine libraries and tools (like the jasmine-maven-plugin), and creating interactive demos to help others learning Jasmine (like

Venue OCLC's Kilgour Building Private Dinning Room
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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