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Meetings - Details


When 2011-06-14 | 11:30:00  
Event Title NoSQL
Presenter Iran Hutchinson
Where OCLC's Kilgour Building Private Dinning Room
Event description:


The NoSQL movement has seen a lot of fanfare online.  However, after traveling and speaking with customers, colleagues, and other database companies there are number of questions around NoSQL that have inconsistent answers or no answers at all.  This session attempts to delve into NoSQL from its origins to modern day to tackle some of these questions:

  • What is the NoSQL movement?
  • What are the arguments behind using a NoSQL database for Java? 
  • Who is actually deploying these systems?
  • When do I choose a NoSQL database?   
  • How do I use a NoSQL database?
  • How to succeed with a NoSQL database and Java?  
  • What does the future hold for traditional RDBMS vendors?

The session will use online data and case studies as well as InterSystems company case studies of successful NoSQL deployments.  We will answer the “How do I use a NoSQL database?” question by:

  • Installing at least 2 NoSQL databases. (Install takes minutes and requirements/setup are different).

  • Reviewing the Java APIs for the installed databases.
  • Writing / Reviewing / Running source code against the Java APIs and comparing the results of implementing a CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) use case.
  • Optimize and measure performance of the solutions in previous.
  • Time permitting, discuss/setup distributed environment for the CRUD tests.

We will answer the “How do I choose a NoSQL database?” via review of an online editable (wiki) and dynamic feature matrix that hopes to be the foundation for NoSQL comparison information.  The matrix is dynamic in that it allows users to compare 1 ~ N databases (N = to the number of databases in the system).  The matrix is editable because it allows any registered user to edit/add information.




Iran Hutchinson serves as product manager and software/systems architect at InterSystems.  He is one of the people behind the Globals project at . He has held architecture and development positions at startups and Fortune 50 companies.  He focuses on language platforms, data management technologies, distributed/cloud computing, and high performance computing.  When not on trail talking with fellow geeks or behind the computer you can find him eating (just look for the nearest steak house).

Venue OCLC's Kilgour Building Private Dinning Room
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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