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SpringSource tcServer: A lower cost alternative to Java appl

When 2009-05-12 | 12:00:00  
Event Title SpringSource tcServer: A lower cost alternative to Java appl
Presenter Quick Solutions
Where Quick Solutions Offices
Event description:


Quick Solutions, Inc. (QSI) is excited to bring SpringSource to Central Ohio to deliver a seminar on their enterprise version of Tomcat, tcServer. QSI, a leading IT consulting and solutions firm, has worked closely with SpringSource to identify lower cost and maintain solutions for our clients that are accustomed to the high price tag of Java Enterprise systems. tcServer will fulfill these needs, giving customers a lower cost and lightweight Java platform that has enterprise support levels required by large corporations. Please join SpringSource and QSI for a free introduction to the capabilities of the tcServer platform. 

Venue Quick Solutions Offices
Street address 440 Polaris Parkway Westerville OH 43082

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