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Meetings - Details


When 2009-02-10 | 11:30:00  
Event Title Scala
Presenter Mac Liaw
Where OCLC's Smith Building Dinning Room
Event description:


Why Scala? A new age of JVM is upon us. JVM is no longer just for Java. As Groovy, Jython, and JRuby has proved, there is life for other languages on the JVM. Scala is different than most of the other popular JVM alternative languages. We’ll explore the origin, intent and the philosophy of the Scala programming language.  The unique combination of OOP and Functional programming will be presented. Major features of Scala such as actors, type inference and Java integration will also be discussed.




Mac Liaw entered The Ohio State University’s Masters Program in Computer Science at age 15. He was a member of the CERN development team that established HTTP and HTML. He is active in the Linux Kernel, Groovy development and Haskell open source project.  Currently he is the CTO of GoAntiques, Inc leading the effort to develop a new antiques and collectible focused social network website using Grails and GWT.  He also serves as Inc’s VP of Technology and oversees video games/special effects projects.

Venue OCLC's Smith Building Dinning Room
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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