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Testing ... what's that?

When 2008-09-09 | 11:30:00  
Event Title Testing ... what's that?
Presenter Joseph Faisal Nusairat
Where Quick Solutions Offices
Event description:


Vital to any development is the ability to test that application. Often time developers use excuses as to why NOT to test. One of those excuses is not knowing HOW to test. Testing can be as simple as writing code to go against your method and expecting a certain result. However most applications have a variety of moving parts that include databases or outside services that we do not want to test. Luckily Java has created multiple ways of helping to test out outside services, and we shall go over four of those ways. The first two will look at Easy Mock and JMockit which can be used by any framework. The third one will be specific for EJB3Unit testing and our last example of testing will look at how to test against JBoss Embedded application server.


Joseph Faisal Nusairat, author of “Beginning JBoss Seam” and co-author of “Beginning Groovy & Grails”, is a Java developer who has been working full time in the Columbus Ohio area since 1998, primarily focused on Java development. His career has taken him into a variety of Fortune 500 industries including military applications, data centers, banking, internet security, pharmaceuticals, and insurance.  Joseph is particularly fond of open source projects and tries to use as much open source software as possible when working with clients. Joseph is a graduate of Ohio University with dual degrees in Computer Science and Microbiology with a minor in Chemistry.  Currently, Joseph works as a Senior Partner at Integrallis Software ( ).  In his off-hours he enjoys watching bodybuilding and Broadway musicals, but not at the same time.

Venue Quick Solutions Offices
Street address 440 Polaris Parkway Westerville OH 43082

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