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GWT: Using Java to deliver AJAX

When 2008-09-09 | 18:30:00  
Event Title GWT: Using Java to deliver AJAX
Presenter Mike Burba
Where OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Event description:


Google has recently released the Google Web Toolkit, which is a library for developing AJAX-front ends for web applications. This library is very powerful, and it is gaining traction in the Java community. This presentation will give an overview of GWT, and share lessons-learned by the presenter over the last six months while working on a mid-sized project for one of their clients.


Mike Burba went to West Point and graduated with a CS degree. After a short stint jumping out of airplanes in defense of our country, Mike left the Army to get into the software business. At that point (1999), Mike started to get into Java. He was using JEE when it was still called J2EE and before the 1.0 spec of EJB had launched. And he stayed with Java ever since. He eventually became a technical evangelist at Sun Microsystems, and then ended up at Compuware working on their Java products. Mike has presented at several Java conferences, including JavaOne, the NoFluffJustStuff series, and others. Currently, Mike and his colleagues have founded a Web 2.0, SaaS startup right here in the midwest. Check it out here [] They are always looking for talented people, so if you’re interested in the company, stop by and meet Mike after the presentation.

Venue OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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