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Business Process Management (BPM)

When 2008-08-12 | 18:30:00  
Event Title Business Process Management (BPM)
Presenter Max Habibi
Where OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Event description:


Business Process Management can transform organizations into nimble, agile entities.  It can leverage both human and technology capital effectively, and provide a framework for identifying and addressing practical problems quickly. But BPM efforts can sometimes be undermined by weak technology support, and misunderstanding about the nature of what is available. I was given the opportunity to talk about some issues that Enterprise Architects should keep in mind when approaching the topic of Business Process Management.

Some of the key points are:

  • BPM is a marriage between practical business needs and technology. But the end goal is to improve business. If it doesn’t do so, that dog don’t hunt. Hence, the technology is critical.
  • Processes are not always documented. Often, they exist as undocumented tribal knowledge. It’s the job of the BPM architect to articulate them.
  • Articulating processes is not enough. It’s critical that processes be identified for cost benefits. Fixing a beautiful, complicated problem isn’t worth much if it doesn’t serve a practical purpose.
  • Ruby? Let’s talk *really* about quick prototyping. Enter Lombardi TeamWorks.


 Max Habibi is a technologies and  international speaker, trainer, University Lecturer, author, and solution architect who has spent the last fourteen  years working with object oriented technologies, emphasizing on the Java platform, though in lastfour years he’s been focusing on BPM solutions.
Max holds dual Honor degrees from The Ohio State University in Computer Science & Mathematics and is currently a Senior Architect with Lombardi software. He has worked as an architect, developer, mentor, and trainer for several Fortune 500 companies in the banking, automotive, telecommunications, industrial, aviation, and scientific data management industries, and has clients ranging from Tokyo, to Paris to Lisbon and back again to the East Coast.
As an architect, Max has focused on practical, business relevant projects, with an eye towards six sigma KPIs and quicknaround, agile technologies focused on delivering results in three to six months.  He is a frequent speaker at user groups and conferences locally and Internationally, and is focused on helping clients attain self sufficiently through new skills, perspectives, and practices. Max is the author of “Java Regular Expressions: Taming the java.util.regex Engine”, “The Sun Certified Java Developer Exam with J2SE 1.4”, “Cracking the AP Computer Science Exam”, and is currently working with O’Reilly Press on a multi media, expert based interview Initiative.

Venue OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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