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Meetings - Details

Parallel Programming

When 2007-12-11 | 06:30:00  
Event Title Parallel Programming
Presenter Nick Watts
Where OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Event description:


Concurrency is a term that is quite common in the Java literature.  Many Java developers understand the term and how to use at least the most primitive tools for Concurrency, such as threads.  Contrastingly, Parallel Programming is not a term that is common in the Java literature.  It is unlikely that as many developers understand even the fundamentals of Parallel Programming as those who understand Java threads.  Because dual-core processors are already common in desktop computers and multi-processor servers are already in production, programming to take advantage of this concurrent processing power is not merely a concern for the future, but one for the present.

Java developers would be wise to make themselves more aware of Concurrency and Parallel Programming.  To better equip you as a Java developer, this talk will teach you some of the fundamental terminology and theories of Parallel Programming.  It will also display the state of Parallel Programming for the Java language and the hardware it can run on. 


Nick Watts is a lifelong student of Computer Science, music, and literature.  He has been a Java developer at a small Insurance company in Ohio for over two years.  His programming expertise is currently web development on the Java Enterprise platform.  Nick has worked as a programmer and research assistant at the Ohio Supercomputer Center and as an instructor within the Cisco Networking Academy.  He has taught two non-credit classes at Columbus State Community College and has led training sessions throughout his career.  Nick holds a B.A. in English from the Ohio State University and is meandering his way through a Master of Science degree in Computer Science at Franklin University.  Most importantly, Nick is the proud husband of his beautiful wife Dana.

Venue OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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