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Meetings - Details

Apache Beehive

When 2007-10-09 | 11:30:00  
Event Title Apache Beehive
Presenter Timothy Brown
Where OCLC's Smith Building Dinning Room
Event description:


Apache Beehive’s goal is to make J2EE programming easier by building a simple object model on J2EE and Struts. Using the new JSR-175 and

JSR-181 metadata annotations Beehive reduces the coding necessary for J2EE. The initial Beehive project has three pieces.

NetUI PageFlows - A web application framework built on top of Struts allowing easier tooling as well as automatic updating of Struts configuration files with the use of metadata.

Controls - Lightweight component framework that helps programmers build components that incorporate metadata into their programming model.

Web Services - An Implementation of JSR-181, an annotation driven programming model for web services.

We will discuss Beehive and walk through a demo.

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Timothy Brown has over 15 years of Information Systems Technology
experience. He has been involved in many software development projects
ranging from two-tier to n-tier.   As Principal Systems Engineer at BEA
Systems, he supports numerous Enterprise customers throughout Ohio and
designs Service Oriented Architectures.

Venue OCLC's Smith Building Dinning Room
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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