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Google Night: Div'ing in to GWT

When 2007-09-18 | 06:30:00  
Event Title Google Night: Div'ing in to GWT
Presenter John Sirois
Where OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Event description:


GWT is a powerful toolkit for developing robust AJAX applications.  It has many tempting features:

  • Swing UI development style
  • a compiler to catch warnings and errors ahead of time
  • a compiler that optimizes for both download speed and execution speed
  • built-in RPC with wire-size optimization and support for POJOs (think AJAX over RMI)

  • “Wow - that’s neat!  But I have a mature webapp already and its daunting to port it over from (STRUTS|JSF|JSP|…)”.
    The good news is GWT can be used piecemeal allowing you to integrate a small bit of new or replaced functionality in your existing webapp in an unobtrusive way.

We’ll cover what a GWT app looks like to a developer, including frontend (widgets and events), backend (RPC) with examples and end with a demo that takes an existing Struts app and adds a new feature using GWT. 


John Sirois - MTS - Senior Software Engineer  John Sirois  is a member of the Doclist Java backend team and is currently  working on Doclist  GData API enhancements.  He has recently converted a  web application  infrastructure from Echo2 to GWT and explored the dark corners on the path to a  production infrastructure.


Venue OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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