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Meetings - Details

Software Archeology

When 2007-08-14 | 11:30:00  
Event Title Software Archeology
Presenter Mike Rozlog
Where OCLC's Smith Building Dinning Room
Event description:


 Software Archeology: what is it and how to approach it…

  1.  Who is CodeGear/Borland/JBuilder (5 minutes)
  2. What is Software Archeology (10 minutes)
  3. What tools can be applied to help the task (5 minutes)
  4. Demo (20 minutes)
  5. Q&A (rest of time)


Michael J. Rozlog

Mike Rozlog is CodeGear’s Product Line Sales Manager for the America’s.  He is focused on helping to make sure the products being developed by CodeGear meet the expectations of CodeGear’s customers.  He has held various management positions over the past few years.  This is his second tenure supporting these products, prior to rejoining CodeGear Mr. Rozlog had 8 ½ years with Borland and had a number of positions with them.  He spends a great deal of time thoroughly discussing and explaining all technical and business aspects of CodeGear products and services to audiences and analysts worldwide. He has been published many times, and his latest collaboration is Mastering JBuilder from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Venue OCLC's Smith Building Dinning Room
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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