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Meetings - Details

May - Lunch - Ruby on Rails

When 2007-05-08 | 11:30:00  
Event Title May - Lunch - Ruby on Rails
Presenter Rob Stevenson
Where OCLC's Smith Building Dinning Room
Event description:


 Putting the community punching gloves aside for the moment, this session will open your eyes to the fact that Rails and Java really aren’t all that different. Struts (and the other Java Web Application frameworks) and Rails strive to provide a MVC framework for you to code amazing web applications with. We’ll cover how Ruby on Rails tackles each component of MVC with plenty of comparisons to Struts (and Hibernate) to really give you that “Ah yea!” moment. You’ll also leave the session with a better understanding of how Ruby itself creates the magic behind Rails.


Rob Stevenson has been on a crusade to find coder happiness for over 15 years. His passion for computer graphics at BGSU eventually led Rob to the University of Illinois at Chicago and the Electronic Visualization Laboratory. While having a blast playing with million dollar Virtual Reality systems, Rob discovered Java near the end of 1996. While early Java was excitingly painful, Rob instantly fell in love with the lack of memory leaks usually found in his C++ code. Since then he has explored various dynamic languages until finding Ruby in 2004. Rob co-founded the Columbus Ruby Brigade in 2005 and is a frequent interviewer on the Ruby on Rails Podcast.

Venue OCLC's Smith Building Dinning Room
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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